Tips for Train Travel with Hearing Aids
The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders reports, “Approximately 15% of American adults (37.5 million) aged 18 and over report some trouble hearing.” If you have hearing loss and wear hearing aids, there are many experiences you may be trying to figure out how to optimize. For example, if you’re planning a trip…
What to Know About Hearing Loss & Alcohol
It may be fun to grab a drink with friends at The Dublin Yard during happy hour. However, doing so often can actually have an effect on your hearing. Below we review some of the research on this topic. Drinking Can Cause Cocktail Deafness In one study out of London, alcohol use disorder was shown…
The Link Between Hearing Loss & an Overwhelmed Brain
If you have difficulty following along with what is said at dinner parties at Addams Tavern on Elm Street and tend to feel overwhelmed by conversations, you’re not alone. This phenomenon is called listening fatigue by audiologists. One study published last year uncovered that background noise could cause too many brain cells to fire in…
How Has Hearing Aid Use in the U.S. Changed?
Hearing aids are a game-changer for anyone with hearing loss. They make it easier to concentrate at work, enjoy listening to your favorite songs, and have engaging conversations with friends while out to dinner at Sear House Grill. While overall, hearing aid use has grown in recent years, there are still many people who would…
Music Lessons Can Benefit Children Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Not only does music bring a lot of joy to children, but it can be a valuable learning tool as well. After all, children first learn their ABCs by singing along. Music has also been proven to be a valuable tool in helping children who are deaf or have profound hearing loss improve their speech…
Ways To Protect Your Hearing This Year
At the start of the new year, many of us have goals or resolutions that center around our health. Maybe you want to eat more vegetables or sign up for a fitness class at the Jack Alter Fort Lee Community Center. One area of our health that often gets overlooked is our hearing. Consider changing…
Three Ways To Prepare Your Toddler for a Hearing Test
Have you noticed that your child doesn’t seem to startle at loud noises or respond to you calling their name when they are playing at Gardner Field Playground? If so, you may want to get their hearing tested. Though we often associate hearing loss with older age, the truth is anyone can develop the condition,…
Tips for Holiday Travel with Hearing Aids
“Approximately 15% of American adults (37.5 million) aged 18 and over report some trouble hearing,” reports the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. In other words, if you’re experiencing hearing loss, you’re not alone this holiday season. If you plan to travel with hearing aids, there’s a few things you should keep in…
How Often Should You Get a New Audiogram
When you got your first hearing test, your results were likely presented to you on an audiogram. This is a chart or graph that plots your hearing thresholds across various frequencies. Audiograms are “a powerful tool for determining the cause of hearing loss” and offer great assistance to audiologists and hearing specialists when it comes…
Why Talking With Your Primary Care Provider About Hearing Loss Is Important
Hearing loss is a condition that affects millions of people every year and becomes more common with age. Yet many older individuals don’t have conversations about their hearing with their primary care provider. A recent poll showed that 80% of Americans over 50 said their primary care provider hadn’t asked about their hearing in the…