What Is Auditory Processing Disorder?
Auditory processing disorder (APD) disrupts the way the brain understands sound input. The disorder causes the brain’s auditory system to miss or misinterpret speech sounds. Let’s examine the prevalence, symptoms and identification of auditory processing disorder. How Common Is Auditory Processing Disorder? A study on support systems for those with APD found that an estimated…
Three Ways To Prepare Your Toddler for a Hearing Test
Have you noticed that your child doesn’t seem to startle at loud noises or respond to you calling their name when they are playing at Gardner Field Playground? If so, you may want to get their hearing tested. Though we often associate hearing loss with older age, the truth is anyone can develop the condition,…
How Often Should You Get a New Audiogram
When you got your first hearing test, your results were likely presented to you on an audiogram. This is a chart or graph that plots your hearing thresholds across various frequencies. Audiograms are “a powerful tool for determining the cause of hearing loss” and offer great assistance to audiologists and hearing specialists when it comes…
What to Expect at a Hearing Test
Have you ever suspected that something is wrong with your health yet been unsure? Some physical conditions are pronounced, such as an injury or an illness with severe symptoms. Yet other conditions can be enigmatic, feeling like something is just off. Just like a person with an unknown physical condition, hearing loss can be confounding….
Encouraging a Loved One to Take a Hearing Test
Just as hearing loss comes in all shapes and sizes depending on the unique features of our lives, histories, and bodies, our responses to hearing loss can be quite varied, as well. Many people have a growing sense that hearing loss is becoming a problem, and that time has enabled them to accept that treatment…