New Jersey Favorite Kids’ Doc of 2015 and 2016: Farwa Husain
“Farwa is my son’s speech language therapist. She has worked very hard to gain his trust, which has been key in the tremendous progress he has made.
The truth about free hearing tests
New Jersey free hearing tests come with a price. Have you noticed how many hearing aid advertisements offer “free hearing tests?” Most of these ads are from non-audiologist hearing aid dispensers, the kind of folks you see at the “big box” stores and retail chains like Costco.
Can a School Nurse Screen for an Auditory Processing Disorder?
“My child behaves like he has a hearing loss even though he passed the school nurse’s hearing test with flying colors.”
Park Lake PTA Letter
Read the thank you letter we received from the Park Lake School PTA!
Speech and Hearing Associates: NJSHA’s 2016 Distinguished Clinical Achievement Award Goes to…
The NJ Speech Language Hearing Association (NJSHA) just announced the recipient of the 2016 Distinguished Clinical Achievement Award. We are most happy to announce that this year’s awardee is Judy Maskevich.
Heart and Hearing Health: Speech and Hearing Associates
We’ve long known that too much noise — too loud and for too long — damages our ears and our ability to hear.
Speech Screenings at the Secaucus Public Library!
Join Speech & Hearing Associates at the Secaucus Public Library For speech-language screenings!
Ringing In The Holiday Season With A Hearing Test
Whether it’s conversation and laughter you enjoy around the dinner table, or watching football games together on the television, don’t let unaddressed hearing loss get in the way.
Smart buying decisions: How hearing aids give you a great return on your investment
Smart buying decisions: How hearing aids give you a great return on your investment If you’re one of the nearly 40 million Americans who suffer with hearing loss, maybe it’s time to consider investing in your hearing health. Research shows that the rewards can be substantial. In fact, identifying and addressing hearing loss has been…
Thank you for helping us make a difference!
Thank you for helping us make a difference! Dear Speech and Hearing Associates, We had a day for giving thanks. We had two for getting deals. Now, we have#GivingTuesday, a global day dedicated to giving back. Today charities, families, businesses, community centers, and students around the world will come together for one common purpose: to celebrate generosity…