Try Before You Buy This Holiday Season
The holidays are here! When surrounded by family and friends don’t miss the conversations, the sounds of kids playing, or holiday music because of hearing loss. This year, Speech and Hearing Associates will be offering risk free, try before you buy hearing aid trials of the latest technology. Don’t let your hearing loss stop you…
Westfield Youth Basketball
Here you can view a special thank you letter from Westfield Youth Basketball.
Happy Halloween 2017 from Speech and Hearing Associates
New Way to Grow Hair Cells in the Lab Might Lead to Hearing Loss Treatment
People who have lost their hearing may one day be able to get it back, thanks to recent research on the inner ear. Scientists funded by the National Institutes of Health have discovered a way to replace the delicate cells in the inner ear that enable us to hear.
New law to strengthen early hearing screening program for infants and children
October 26, 2017- National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD): On October 18, 2017, President Trump signed into law S. 652, the Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) Act. The law amends the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize until 2022 a federal program administered by the U.S. Department of Health and Human…
What Central Auditory Processing Disorders Are All About
What Is Auditory Processing Disorder (APD)? Auditory Processing Disorder (APD), also known as Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD) is the reduced or impaired ability to discriminate, recognize or comprehend complex sounds, such as those used in words, even though the person’s hearing is normal. For example, understanding boat for coat or the not being able…
Kids’ Favorite Doc Award: Carli DiMarzo
Congratulations to Carli DiMarzo for being selected as a 2017 Kids’ Favorite Doc by her patients!
Protect Your Child’s Hearing Back At School
Every autumn, kids head back to school—and that means noise! Schools are filled with the sounds of packed hallways and cafeterias, band practices,
How To Protect Yourself From Noise-Induced Hearing Loss and Tinnitus
Did you know that people of all ages can develop noise-induced hearing loss? Hearing loss from too much noise can happen in an instant or build over time, and it can’t be fixed. Speech and Hearing Associatesencourages everyone to learn about noise-induced hearing loss, a preventable type of hearing loss. A recent study by the…
Hawthorne Cubs
Here you can view a special thank you letter from Hawthorne Cubs.