When you think of top relationship advice, getting hearing aids probably isn’t the first thing to come to mind. While they might not seem like the most romantic topic, these tiny devices speak to a well-known relationship adage: communication is the foundation of a healthy relationship.
In celebration of Valentine’s Day, take a look at our list of ways hearing aids can help strengthen your relationship.
Hearing Aids Minimize Miscommunication
Miscommunications often start small but can build into resentment over time. For example, if your partner calls and asks you to pick up 30 lemons from the New Bridge Farmers Market, but you hear 13, your partner will be 17 lemons short of their request. While lemons alone are not a big deal, piling miscommunications can make your partner feel like you don’t hear them, leading to unnecessary friction.
Untreated hearing loss doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t communicate well with your partner. In fact, there are communication strategies you can employ to reduce miscommunication frequency. However, when you combine communication strategies with the amplified speech hearing aids provide, you can nearly disappear these misunderstandings.
Hearing Aids Give You Social Confidence
One-on-one time is important in a relationship, but so is spending time with friends. With untreated hearing loss, you may find yourself shying away from social situations, feeling that the communication stress isn’t worth the fun you could have. If you’re skipping double date nights or time with your friends because the cross-chatter and loud background noise make the conversation too difficult, hearing aids could be your solution.
Hearing aids collect and amplify speech sounds while minimizing background noise, improving communication and giving you the confidence to enjoy an evening out.
Hearing Aids Demonstrate to Your Partner That You Care
Living with untreated hearing loss can be frustrating, and it often requires patience on the part of yourself and your partner. Unfortunately, constantly feeling like your partner isn’t hearing or listening to you can erode patience over time, even when you start with the best intentions.
Scheduling a hearing consultation is a helpful, romantic way to show your partner that what they say matters. One 2022 study found that bringing a significant other to your audiology appointment increases the likelihood of hearing adoption.
Bringing your partner to your audiology appointment demonstrates your commitment to good communication and can strengthen your bond.
Embrace Hearing Aids This Valentine’s Day
Hearing aids may seem like an odd choice for Valentine’s Day, but they’re the gift that keeps giving. Contact Speech & Hearing Associates today to discuss your options with one of our specialists.