How To Describe and Identify Your Type of Tinnitus
Tinnitus refers to the presence of buzzing, clicking, ringing or hissing noises in the ears. It is generally classified into two main types: Let’s take a closer look at tinnitus severity and type to help you describe it to your provider when seeking symptom management. Tinnitus Severity The severity of tinnitus varies from nonbothersome to…
How Are Hyperacusis and Tinnitus Connected?
Tinnitus is characterized by a ringing, buzzing, clicking or roaring sound in the ears that cannot be heard from the outside. Affecting more than 50 million people in the United States, tinnitus can be infrequent and relatively nonbothersome or persistent and bothersome. Bothersome tinnitus is likely to cause stress, irritability and sleeplessness. Hyperacusis is characterized…
What to Know About Humidity and Hearing Aids
Sitting by the water at Fort Lee Historic Park is the perfect way to spend an autumn day. Although there are many perks to living by the water, high humidity is one aspect to consider when wearing hearing aids. How Do Hearing Aids Work? Approximately 28.8 million U.S. adults could benefit from hearing aids. The…
Join us for November’s ‘Hard of Hearing’ Class
WHEN:    November 16, 2023TIME:      7:00p.m. – 8:00p.m.WHERE:   Virtual ClassCOST:     $100 This class is casual, interactive and fun! It will be taught by our team of an audiologist and speech-language pathologist. Family members, friends and all communication partners are encouraged to join. Call (732) 750-4660 to sign up today!
Can Loud Toys Damage Hearing?
When thinking about the safety of a children’s toy, we often consider whether an object is too sharp or too heavy, but what about too loud? Some toys can reach volumes that may be harmful to your child’s hearing and cause problems down the road. The Risk Loud Noise Poses to Your Hearing Exposure to…
What to Know About Acoustic Neuromas
Acoustic neuromas are noncancerous, slow-growing tumors on the vestibular nerve, the main inner ear nerve responsible for sending balance information to the brain. Also called vestibular schwannomas, acoustic neuromas arise when Schwann cells wrap around or cover the vestibular nerve. Although acoustic neuromas are noncancerous, large or quickly growing neuromas can press against the brain…
Join Us for October’s Hard of Hearing Class
WHEN:    October 25, 2023TIME:     7:00p.m. – 8:00p.m.WHERE:   Virtual ClassCOST:     $100 This class is casual, interactive and fun! It will be taught by our TEAM of an audiologist and speech-language pathologist. Family members, friends and all communication partners are encouraged to join. Call today to sign up! (732) 750-4660
Weekend Literacy Groups
Join us for our weekend literacy groups aimed to improve fundamental literacy and language skills. These classes will be held in-person at the Metuchen office on Sunday mornings, beginning November 5th. Groups will be one-hour in length and organized by age and fluency skill level. A virtual-grouping option will be available, and time slots will be determined if…
Safety Tips for People with Hearing Loss
Living with hearing loss is an adjustment, and it can affect multiple aspects of your life, including your safety. The good news is that there are plenty of steps you can take to keep yourself and your home safe when you have hearing loss. Use Hearing Aids to Hear Important Sounds Did you know that…
A NEW Class for Hard of Hearing Patients WHEN: September 27, 2023 TIME: 7:00pm – 8:00pm WHERE: Virtual Class COST: $100 This class is casual, interactive and fun! It will be taught by our TEAM of an audiologist and speech-language pathologist. Family members, friends and all communication partners are encouraged to join. CALL…