Below is some helpful information about how Speech & Hearing Associates determines your Horizon BC BS benefits and ensures that you receive all benefits for which you are entitled.

1. Our office managers will call Horizon BC BS to determine the benefits of your plan.
2. Our office managers will follow instructions required by Horizon BC BS to:
- Obtain authorization6, if necessary
- Get pre-determination7 for services, if required
- Advise you, the patient, on obtaining a doctor’s referral8 if required
- Advise you, the patient, on obtaining a doctor’s prescription, if necessary
3. If coverage is unclear, our office managers can schedule a test therapy session9 for review by Horizon BC BS to determine coverage.
4. If there is no coverage available, our staff will discuss our discounted private pay options and rates.
Please remember that the ultimate responsibility to know your insurance benefits belongs to you, the subscriber. We make our best efforts to obtain information from Horizon BC BS, but cannot be held responsible if they provide us with incorrect information.
Audiology Services For Adults and Children Include:
- Hearing tests
- Complete audiological evaluations
- Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE)
- Follow-up testing after failed newborn hearing screenings
- Electronystagmography (ENG)
- Central Auditory Processing Evaluations (CAP)
- Tinnitus Evaluation/Hyperacusis Assessments
- Workers Compensation Hearing Examinations
- Immittance Testing (Tympanometry, Stapedial Reflexes)
- Educational Audiology (assessments and recommendations for the classroom)
Hearing Aid Services For Adults and Children Include:
- Hearing aid evaluations
- Sales of all major brands of hearing aids including Phonak, Siemens, Oticon, Starkey and Widex
- Repairs on all brands of hearing aids
- Hearing aid adjustments including re-programming of major brand digital hearing aids
- Batteries for all hearing aids and assistive devices
- Aural rehabilitation for hearing loss including computer interactive software
- Hearing in noise testing for hearing aid candidates
- Custom Ear Molds
- Custom Swim Molds
- Custom Ear Molds for Your iPod
- Assistive Listening Devices for TV
Speech Therapy Services For Adults and Children Include:
- Speech therapy for individuals and small groups
- Aural rehabilitation
- Voice disorders (such as vocal nodules, chronic hoarseness)
- Articulation (how speech sounds are produced)
- Fluency (stuttering)
- Language (vocabulary, grammar, understanding directions, comprehending stories, expressing oneself, etc.)
- Language processing (what one is able to do with the information one hears)
- Swallowing (tongue thrust, dysphagia, feeding problems)
- Pragmatics/social language
- Alternative and augmentative communication
Please view our glossary for clarification on medical terms.
Call Speech & Hearing Associates at (800) 742-7551 for more information or to schedule an appointment.